Publication support

Manuscript format modification service

We will edit your paper following the formatting requirements of your target journal. Our team will comprehensively modify and adjust the format of your article so as to prevent you from being refused (not rejected) because the format of your manuscript does not meet journal requirements.

  • Write or adjust the running title.
  • Compose or improve the key points and highlights.
  • Choose or adjust the key words.
  • Modify the format of the abstract (e.g. subheading).
  • Modify the format of fonts, line spacing, paragraphs, etc.
  • Modify the format of tables in the manuscript.
  • Modify the overall format of the whole manuscript (e.g. put the Materials and Methods in the right place).
  • Format references.
  • Provide a free Cover Letter for your target journal and ensure the format of your manuscript and tables meet requirements.

Our Cost